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  • Being Organized Saves Your Small Business Money

    Published: May 5, 2024 • Financial Planning, General Business Tips, Savings, Small Business Rescources

    It may not be obvious to most, but being organized and running an organized business saves you money. Much can be gained by added efficiencies and productivity to your business. In 2003 I started a professional organizing business in Chicago. I served customers for twenty years and most of the focus was on their residential spaces and finances. When Amber’s Bookkeeping was launched in 2016, I started to draw the parallels between running an organized household and running an organized business. Much waste takes place when we are not watching the details and following tried and true organizing principles. Efficiency […]

  • 5 Reasons to Outsource Your Accounting & Bookkeeping

    Published: April 30, 2024 • General Business Tips, Small Business Rescources, Subcontractors vs. Employees, Tips for Business Owners

    I’m sure you’ve heard of the wildly popular sites such as Fiver and Upwork. On these sites, you can find just about any contract talent work that you need. People showcasing how they can help your small business on a project basis. Most of us also hire out web designers and a tax attorney or CPA to do our yearly tax returns. Grant it, some of us might have wicked skills in many areas but most small business owners aren’t good at everything. I’d like to argue just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You should be doing what […]

  • Cash Flow Basics

    Published: March 29, 2024 • Cashflow, Financial Planning, General Business Tips

    4 Things That Affect Your Business’s Cash Flow   1.Accounts receivable Consider your accounts receivable process. Look at it from all angles. Let’s define accounts receivable to start. These numbers or total numbers are what is owed to you by all your customers or clients. This is money that you need to collect. They are open invoices. In terms of cash flow, consider these questions about accounts receivable. When do you invoice your customers? Right away? Before the job? Or do you take a lot of time to send the invoice for your services? All this timing matters. Do you […]

  • Why You Should Open A Business Savings Account For Your Business

    Published: February 16, 2024 • Financial Planning, General Business Tips, Savings, Small Business Rescources, Tips for Business Owners

    Should I have a business savings account for my small business? Yes! Here are a few reasons why you should consider using a business savings account:   1.Save money for taxes. Instead of reacting to a tax bill, proactively save to pay your tax bill. There’s nothing worse than completing a full robust year of business to drain your bank account for the IRS or the state. It comes all at once and can feel like a blow to your gut! A better approach is to watch your numbers and reports. Specifically, after your bookkeeper is done reconciling the month […]

  • Track Subcontractors Using QuickBooks Online – A 5 Step Checklist

    Published: January 26, 2024 • Financial Planning, Small Business Rescources, Subcontractors vs. Employees

    As tax season approaches, businesses using subcontractors need to ensure they are tracking payments and preparing 1099 forms correctly. With QuickBooks Online, small business owners have a powerful tool to make this process easy. In this post, we’ll share expert tips on collecting W9 forms, recording expenses, separating reimbursements, and reviewing reports to make tax time straightforward. By following this advice, you can avoid headaches and feel confident submitting accurate 1099 info to the IRS and your subcontractors.     A 5 Step Checklist   1. Collect a W9 Form Collect a W9 Form before paying your subcontractor for the […]

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