Credit cards have become the default way for many companies to pay bills. For some transactions and purchases, this makes logical sense. Paying off the balance on time every month can work well for many of the service-based businesses we provide bookkeeping. Several have rewards, cash back, and travel rewards, so often, this is the way businesses process their bills. Software subscriptions, office supplies, and utilities usually get charged to company credit cards. However, if you have a service-based industry that regularly receives vendor bills, you want to approach bill pay differently. There are several examples of industries that this […]
Learning Profitability in Craft Breweries: Essential Fundamentals for Success As the craft beer industry has grown in recent years, consumers have benefited from many brewery options, especially in larger cities throughout the country. Many operators have gotten into business because of the passion and pure enjoyment of being able to create a product that was once only available at stores. From innovative to traditional styles, the opportunity to give customers something they have never had before is endless. A problem we encounter with this growth is small business owners know how to produce quality beer but lack and […]